We offer a complete line of automatic pool cleaners and parts, from all the major manufactures. Sta-Rite, Arneson, Jandy, Hayward, Baracuda, Letro, Kreepy Krauly, Polaris and many more. Whether its a single part or a complete swimming pool cleaner, we can supply your needs. Arneson was purchased by Hayward in the early 1990's, the Arneson pool Sweep was discontinued in the Late 1990's. Letro makes parts that most of which are interchangeable with the original pool sweep with a few exceptions. The original Arneson Pool cleaners included the pool sweep I and II, the Pool Vac and the AquaDroid, parts for the pool Vac and AquaDroid can be found listed under Hayward Pool Cleaner Parts. Also please see our Arneson Parts Diagrams and Hayward Parts Diagrams for specific models. |
Click on link in Detail column for more information on that part number |
SKU Detail Link | Image | Description | Model # | Sale Price | Buy Me |
AC-01136 | No Image | Hayward or Arneson Pool Sweep Turbine Bearing E036, See Letro LG35B | AXE036 | $20.16 | |
AC-01134 | No Image | Arneson Pool Sweep Deck Stand D28, AXD28, No Longer Manufacture, None Available. | AXD28 | $0.00 | NLA |
AC-01130 | No Image | Arneson AXD19, D19, Pool Sweep I Feed Hose Mender 0.625 Inch | D19 | $4.47 | |
AC-01126 | Click on Image | Arneson D09P Pool Sweep I Finger Screen, No Longer Manufactured, None Available | D09P | $9.09 | NLA |
AC-01121 | Click on Image | Arneson, Pool Sweep Hose Mender Nut 0.62 Inches, AXD02P, D02, No Longer Manufactured, None Available | AXD02P | $6.82 | NLA |
AC-01120 | Click on Image | Arneson, Hayward B05, AXB05, LB05, Pool Sweep Suction Hose | AXB05 | $40.44 | |
AC-01118 | No Image | Arneson Pool Sweep vertical pump, A60 No Longer Available Substitute Polaris PB4-60 | A60 | $650.93 | |
AC-01117 | No Image | Arneson A58, Pool Sweep Vertical Pump Motor 0.75 HP, Replacement Motor, Special Order | A58 | $368.04 | |
AC-01116 | No Image | Arneson, Hayward A57, AX57A Pool Sweep, No Longer Manufactured, None Available | AX57A | $0.00 | NLA |
AC-01115 | Click on Image | Generic Gasket Replacement For Arneson Pool Sweep End Bell, A40 | A40 | $5.73 | |
AC-01114 | Click on Image | Arneson Pool Sweep I pump Volute A39, AX39 No Longer Manufactured, None Available | AX39 | $0.00 | NLA |
AC-01113C | No Image | Arneson Pool Sweep Pump volute Nut , Sweep Jam Nut, 3/8-16 SS, A12 | A12 | $7.08 | |
AC-01112 | No Image | Arneson A11, Pool Sweep I Pump Volute Bolt, Limited Quantity | A11 | $1.49 | |
AC-01110 | No Image | Arneson Pool Sweep I Horizontal Pump 0.5 HP, A01 Substitute Polaris PB4-60 | A01 | $299.00 | |
AC-01108 | No Image | Arneson Pool Sweep Bottom Shell AXGO2A, No Longer Manufactured, None Avaialble, Letro LG02 is a Suitable Replacment | AXGO2A | $143.22 | |
AC-01015 | No Image | Arneson S011WH, Pool Sweep II Front Roller, Limited Quantity | AXS011WH | $9.24 | |
AC-00959C | No Image | Hayward, Arneson AXV408P, Pool Vac Gear box Replaces V008P | V008P | $23.55 | |
AC-00941 | No Image | Arneson, Hayward AXS012WH, Rear Roller, White | AXS012WH | $8.90 | |
AC-00940 | Click on Image | Arneson, Hayward AXS052WH, Gear Roller Bearing Assembly, With Float, White, No Longer Manufactured, None Avaialble | AXS052WH | $20.49 | NLA |
AC-00937 | No Image | Arneson, Hayward AXS051LG, Front Roller Bearing Assembly, With Float, White | AXS051LG | $39.41 | |
AC-00935 | No Image | Arneson AXS022 Pool Sweep II Feeder Tube, Complete, No Longer Manufactured, None Available | AXS022 | $0.00 | NLA |
AC-00934 | No Image | Hayward AXK75, Skimmer Vac Plate Stand Pipe, No Longer Manufactured, None Available | AXK75 | $2.06 | NLA |
AC-00933C | Click on Image | Arneson Pool Sweep I Ladder Guard J02P, No Longer Manufactured, Substitute Polaris G21 | J02P | $37.31 | |
AC-00932C | No Image | Generic Replacement For Arneson Pool Sweep Seal A-8, A8 | A8 | $5.18 | |
AC-00921C | No Image | Arneson or Letro Lower Bearing O-Ring, Replaces AXG32, Generic | AXG32 | $0.69 | |
AC-00913 | No Image | Arneson, Hayward H06, AXH06, LH06, Floor Sweep Hose Extension, No Longer Manufacture, , None Available) | AXH06 | $0.00 | NLA |
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